
首页/题库/262℃/2024-07-07 07:21:58


Frank:What would be the ideal educational system for you?Can you describe that in three sentences?

王文员:Well,I ...I think ...I for this question I should ask you because you are somewhat a national education ...

Frank:Don't ask me.I am sorry,I am asking for your opinion.

王文员:Well ...Ah ...I think there should be more tunnels for the students to be elected to the university.and there shouldn't be so...so big a gap between edu...educat...education,I mean between the different universities.We should make the universities ...Ah...the level of the universities more equal,at least,not so much a gap,so big a gap.I ...I have experience between the normal...the ordinary class and the so-called geek class,it's really a big difference

再问: 你好,感谢您的回复,不过我要的是前两句英语内容。从Frank:OK,Let's have a try. 紧接着后面的是什么? 谢谢

再答: 那你可以再看一遍非你莫属嘛!

再问: 就是英语太差了,那两句没听懂

再答: 应该有字幕啊!qq视频上我老看,有中文字幕的

再问: 中文字幕当然有,我要的是英语原句,他那两句说的挺快,总是听不懂,所以请教高人指点一下

再答: 那我就爱莫能助了



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