
首页/题库/300℃/2022-11-29 04:28:54


动词的十六种时态表:一般现在时Do, does\ am,is,are现在进行时Am, is ,are + doing现在完成时Have\has + done现在完成进行时Have\has +being done一般过去时Did \was, were过去进行时Was\were + doing过去完成时Had + done 过去完成进行时Had been doing一般将来时Shall\will + do,be将来进行时Shall\will +be doing将来完成时Shall\will + have done将来完成进行时Shall\will+ have been doing过去将来时Should\would+ do过去将来进行时Should\would + be doing 过去将来完成时Should\would+ have done过去将来完成进行时Should\would+ have been doing我给你回答一些比较常用的高中英语时态吧!希望对你有用哦★一般现在时1、所有或任何时候都发生的动作或情况,即重复发生的动作.--- How often does she visit her parents? --- Twice a month.2、永恒的真理和客观事实.1. Summer follows spring.2. practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧.3、①在条件或时间状语从句中,经常使用一般现在时代替一般将来时.I’ll let you know as soon as he gets there. ②讨论计划和时间表或日程表时.We leave at 11:15 and arrive at 17:50 tomorrow. 4、固定词组如 I see(明白)、I hear(听说)、I think(认为、想)、I feel(感觉)以引出已经了解的情况.I see there is some trouble in London. 我知道伦敦方面有些麻烦.★一般过去时1、过去已经完成的动作、结束的事情,或在过去重复发生的动作.When I was a child we always went to the seaside in August.2、used to :表示过去的习惯,现在不存在.I used to smoke, but I don’t any more.3、用在it’s time, would rather, wish后面的从句中It’s time you went home.I wish I had a better memory.I’d rather you came tomorrow.4、在从句中用来说明现在还存在着“过去”的情况I’m sorry we left Paris. It was such a nice place.5、could, might, would, should等“过去”的情态动词可用来指现在或者将来.Could you help me for a moment ? 你能帮我一会吗?(用委婉的语气表将来)I think it might rain soon. 我人为可能很快就下雨.Would you come this way, please ? 请这边走. Alice should be here soon. Alice 一会就到.6、一般过去时与现在完成时在时间上的比较①现在完成时所用的时间词: since, ever since, for…, recently, lately, so far, yet, all this year, all my life, ever, never, already, before, just, in / during the last /past + 时间段, etc.②一般过去时所用的时间词yesterday, last week, in 1999, when, years ago, then, just now, etc.一般将来是时 1、用will, shall 表示将来.①决定:谈及正在作出的一项决定时,常用I’ll----I will,不能用be going to ,因为它表示事先就已经作出的决定---The phone is ringing. ---I’ll answer it.---Come to a party. ---OK. I’ll bring my friend.②威胁和允诺:第一人称用will (‘ll);第二人称用shallI’ll hit you if you do that again.He shall have a gift for Christmas.③提议和请求:用Shall I …?/Shall we…?表示提议;用Will you…?表示请求Shall I carry your bag? Will you give me a hand?④I will/ We will 表示有强烈意图、提议、坚持或自愿做某事; 不能用shallI will stop smoking---I really will.2、用 be going to 表示①已经决定要做的事情We’re going to France next summer.②现在肯定讲会发生的事情Look at those clouds---it’s going to rain.③强烈的决心I’m going to keep asking her out until she says yes.3、用be about to do sth 表示最近的将来,“正要”,“马上就要”I am about to leave when there is a knock at the door.4、用be to do sth表示预定要做的事情The French President is to visit Japan next week5、 be going to 与 will / shall 的对比①都可以表示预言Do you think the car will start / is going to start?②讲到条件时(即如果一事发生,另一事也就发生),用will / shall 对将来进行预测,不用be going to ,即使条件没有说出来例1. If I give you money you’ll only spend it on drink. ---Come out for a drink.例2. ---No, my TV program. A. I’m going to miss B. I’ll miss正确过去将来时1、从过去的观点来看未来,常用在宾语从句中或间接引语中Last week he promised that he would come today, but he has not arrived yet.2、过去将来时的其它主要形式was / were going towas / were about toWe were just going to ( about to ) leave when Tom fell and hurt his ankle.现在进行时1、说话时正进行的动作或情况Someone’s knocking at the door. Can you answer it?2、发展中的或正在改变的情况The weather is getting better and better.3、任何时候都可能在进行中的事情I don’t like to be disturbed if I’m working.You look lovely when you’re smiling.4、表示将来①可用下列词:go, come, arrive, leave, startHe’s arriving tomorrow morning.②通过一个表示将来的的时间状语What are you doing this evening?5、现在进行时与一般现在时的对比①现在进行时用来谈论暂时的情况,一般现在时用来表示永久的情况,或经常发生的事情或习惯.He’s not working very hard at the moment. 目前工作不努力.He doesn’t work very hard. 通常工作不努力.②讲故事、评论事情、解说体育运动等用一般现在时来叙述故事中一件又一件发生的事情Harrison shoots, but the ball hits the post and Jackson clear.哈里森射门,但是球碰倒柱子上,接着杰克逊解了围.过去进行时1、过去某时正发生的事情.What were you doing yesterday at seven p. m. ?2、在一个句子里,过去进行时常与一般过去时连用,此时,进行时表示较长的正在进行的动作,而一般时表示较短暂的动作或事情.The phone rang while I was having my bath.When she arrived, I was telephoning Harry.When she arrived, I telephoned Harry. (到后做)The reporter said that the UFO was traveling to west when he saw it.3、可用while强调同时进行的两种或几种动作.While I was working in the garden, my wife was cooking dinner. 现在完成时1、开始于过去并将持续到现在的动作,常与下列词连用:for…, since…, recently, lately, so far, all this year, up till now, etc.例1.I’ve planted 14 trees so far this morning.例2.---How are you today? ---Oh, I as ill as I do now for a long time.A. didn’t feel B. don’t feel C. wasn’t feeling D. haven’t felt2、在过去某个不确定的时间发生的动作,但与现在有某种联系,因为我们所关心的是“现在”还存在着“过去”发生某事的结果,常和下列词连用:ever(问句或肯定句),already(肯定句), never(否定句),yet(问句或否定句),before例1. --- my glasses? ---Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you see B. Had you seen C. Would you see D. Have you seen例2. --Have you passed your test ? --Yes. --When did you pass it? --(I passed it) Last week.例3. —Have you passed your test? --Not yet.--When will you pass it? -- Next week.对比:Have you seen this film? (曾经经过) Did you see this film ? (某特定时间)3、可表示反复性或习惯性,常与often, three times 等词连用I’ve watched him on TV several times.4、终止性动词可用完成时,但不能和for, how long 等时间词连用,此时常用替换词This film has begunHow long has this film been on?begin borrow come die be on keep be here be deadjoin buy leavebe in have be away5、其它和现在完成时连用的词:just, in (within) the past (last) + 时间段;对比:He has just fallen downstairs.He fell downstairs just now.6、特殊结构①This is the first (most / only ) + n. + that-clauseThis is the best film I have ever seen.②It’s + 时间段+ since-clause (从句用过去时)It’s two years since he died.He has been dead for two years.He died two years ago.7、现在完成时与现在完成进行时的用法区别:现在完成进行时强调动作延续到未来或仍在进行.I’ve written an article. (已完成)I’ve been writing an article. (还在写)过去完成时1、过去发生的两个动作,先发生的用过去完成时With their help I realized that I had been wrong.2、过去某时以前发生的动作或情况He hasn’t finished yet.He didn’t finish yesterday evening.He hadn’t finished by yesterday evening.3、常用过去完成时的情况①No sooner…than…. Hardly…when…No sooner had he begun his speech than he was interrupted②expect, hope, think, want, suppose等动词的过去完成时(或一般时)表示想做而未做的事I had planned to send him a telegram, but I didn’t manage it.4、使用过去完成时的必要性和非必要性①句意十分清楚时,可用一般时After I finished, I went home.②常用一般过去时表示依次发生的动作I got out of the taxi, paid the fare(车费) and managed it.③有时必须明确,特别是含when时When I arrived, Ann left.(同时见到)(见到Ann)When I arrived, Ann had left.(先后发生)(没见到)5、常用过去完成时的时间主状语by the end of +过去时间 ; by + 过去时间by the time + 过去时间;过去时间 + before比较:By the time he was 11, he had learned 3000 words .By the time he is 11, he will have learned 3000 words.By the time last week, I had learned 3000 words.By the time next week, I will have learned 3000 words.



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