新概念英语一级 测试题

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新概念英语一级 测试题


1.大号信封(汉译英)________ 2.a pad of writing paper(英译汉)___________

3.black ink(英译汉)_______ 4.一盒粉笔(汉译英)_________

5.have(第三人称单数)______ 6.large(反义词)____________

7.do(第三人称单数)________ 8.其他什么(汉译英)_________

9.peach(复数)_____________ 10.tomato(复数)____________


1.The lady wants an ______to put a letter in.

2.Do you have any _____ paper to write a letter on?

3.What _____ envelopes do you have,large or small?

4.There is a _____ of glue on the desk.

5.I don’t have any mince,but I have ______ steak.

6.The teacher is writing on the blackboard with a piece of _____.

7.The shop assistant doesn’t have any small ______of writing paper.

8.The grapes are 5 yuan.You give the assistant 10 yuan.How much is the _____?

9.The lady wants some envelopes,some writing paper,some glue and chalk.She doesn’t want anything ______.


Glue change size shop assistant writing paper

1.I don’t want anything else.I want mt _______.

2.Gary wants a piece of _______.

3.I want two bottles of _________,please.

4.She is a _________,and she works in the shop.

5.I don’t want small envelopes.Do you have any large ________?


一、1、large sized envelop.2、一板供书写的纸张 3、黑色墨水4、a box of chalk.5、has 6、tiny(我去,英文没有明确相对应的反义词)7、does .8、something else (出题的都是,如果是作为提问的,其它什么就是anything else) 9、peaches 10、tomatoes.

二、1、envelope.2、spare 3、size of 4、bottle?5、some 6、chalk.7、size 8、change.9、else

三、1、change 2、writing paper 3、glue 4、shop assistant 5、size



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