二、Dialogues (一共10题,每题1分.)

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二、Dialogues (一共10题,每题1分.)

1. 【71172】 -- Hello.I'd like to speak to Mr.Reynolds.

-- _____.

A. I'm sorry he's not in right now

B. No,you can't

C. Sorry,you can't

D. Ok,go on

2. 【71175】 -- Extension 5578,please.

-- _____.

A. Who are you?

B. One moment,please

C. Wait

D. Who is that

3. 【71176】 -- Is this 792-3021?

-- _____.

A. No

B. Wrong number

C. What's your number?

D. No,this is 792-3025

4. 【71181】 -- I'd like to make a collect call to 352-3558.

-- _____.

A. Who shall I say is phoning?

B. And you are?

C. Who are you?

D. Who is speaking?

5. 【71183】 -- Is that Mr.White?

-- _____.

A. Yes,White speaking

B. Yes,go on

C. Yes,can I help you?

D. What do you want?

6. 【71186】 -- Would you mind changing seats with me?

-- _____.

A. Yes,you can

B. Of course.I'd like to

C. No,I don't mind

D. Certainly,please do

7. 【71187】 -- Operator,could you please get me 812-7986 in San Francisco?

-- _____.

A. Please say it again

B. You can dial yourself

C. You can dial that direct,sir

D. Ok

8. 【71226】 -- May I see your tickets,please?

-- _____.

A. No,you can't

B. Yes,you can

C. Here they are

D. Why is that?

9. 【74063】 -- Hello,this is Ted.May I speak to Peter?

-- _____.

A. Yes,wait

B. I don't know if he's in

C. Just a minute,please.I'll see if he's in

D. Yes,I am Ted

10. 【74067】 -- Thank you for a wonderful meal.

-- _____

A. It's not good.

B. It's just simple meal.

C. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

D. You are so nice.






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