
首页/题库/189℃/2024-07-05 00:55:57


Each year in late spring and early summer, thousands of sharks pass through Florida waters(水域). These sharks migrate(迁徙) north along the east coast(海岸) of the USA after having spent the winter in warmer southern waters.

But this year, the sharks migrated earlier than usual. Many southern Florida beaches were closed to swimmers in early March when as many as 15,000 sharks showed up in coastal waters. Researchers believe the migration happened earlier than usual because of warmer weather.

During a migration, as many as 1,000 sharks can be in a 64m2 area. Some of the sharks continue migrating up the east coast, but many remain in the warm Florida waters for the summer. Though the sharks travel close to shore(岸) during their migration, they usually remain in deeper waters when they are not migrating.

Over 10 different types of sharks are common in Florida waters. But they are usually not a threat to humans: Most of them eat fish and other sea animals.

In fact, humans are a greater threat to sharks than sharks are to humans. 30 to 70 million sharks are killed each year.

( )1. The sharks migrated ________ this year.

A. in early spring B. in late spring C. in early summer D. in late summer

( )2. The sharks usually travel ______ when they are migrating.

A. at night B. in small groups C. in deeper waters D. close to shore

( )3. The underlined word “threat“ means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 提醒 B. 贡献 C. 挑战 D. 威胁

( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Few sharks are killed each year.

B. The sharks usually migrate un the winter.

C. More than ten types of sharks can be found in Florida waters.

D. All the migrating sharks remain in the warm Florida waters for the summer.

( )5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. How to protect sharks. B. Different types of sharks.

C. What we can learn from sharks. D. The migration of sharks in the USA.





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