首页/题库/306℃/2024-11-01 10:51:15
关键词:中小企业 融资 解决途径
Since reform and opening up, China's SMEs have been the rapid development of China's national economy constantly raise the contribution rate of SMEs in promoting economic growth, creating employment opportunities, increase their incomes, the transfer of rural surplus labor, and other aspects play an increasingly important role . However, in recent years, China's SME development is faced with great difficulties. In particular impact on the further development of SMEs in China the most important factor is the narrow channels of financing, financing small number and financing structure is irrational, high financing costs. If this phenomenon are not fully improved, it would be difficult for SMEs in the sustained and rapid development, will directly affect the development of the entire national economy. SME financing difficulties to the development of SMEs in China is the root cause. China's SMEs with financing difficulties due to various reasons, have their own reasons, have banks and national policy reasons, this paper analyzed the reasons for and proposed solutions to two aspects discussed.
Keywords: SME financing solution
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