
首页/题库/312℃/2024-10-05 21:32:23





What is time?Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted,like money?Or is it something we have no control over,like the weather?Americans see time as a valuable resource.Maybe that's why they are fond of the expression,"Time is money."

The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best:"Do you love life?Then do not waste time,for that is the stuff(材料) life is made of."

American lifestyles(生活方式) show how much people respect(尊重) the time of others.When people plan an event,they often set the time days or weeks in advance.Once the time is fixed,it takes almost an emergency(紧急情况) to change it.

Even Americans would admit that no one can master(掌控) time.Time-like money-slips(溜掉) all too easily through our fingers.And time-like the weather-is very hard to predict(预料).Nevertheless,time is one of life's most precious gifts.And unwrapping(撕开) it is half the fun.


时间是什么?是一种像金钱一样可以节省、花用或浪费的东西吗?(Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted,like money?)或者它像天气那样,是一种我们无法掌握的东西?(is it something we have no control over)美国人视时间为一项重要的资源,(Americans see time as a valuable resource)也许这就是为什么他们喜欢说“时间就是金钱”的缘故.(that's why they are fond of the expression,"Time is money.")

早期的美国英雄班哲明·富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致(expressed this view best):“你爱生命吗?如果爱就不要浪费时间,因为生命即是由时间组成的.”(for that is the stuff life is made of)


There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.



She tried writing out her views.


美国人的生活型态表现出他们对别人的时间有多尊重.当人们在计划一项活动时,通常会在几天或几个星期前把时间定好.(they often set the time days or weeks in advance)时间一旦决定,(the time is fixed)除非情况紧急,(an emergency)否则不会轻易改变.

短语in advance意思是“预先、事先”,举个例子:

I ought to have told you in advance.


不过连美国人都承认,没有人能够完全掌握时间.(master time)时间就像金钱一样,很容易就从我们的指间溜走;(slips all too easily through our fingers)时间也像天气一样,是很难预测的.(is very hard to predict)然而,时间是生命中最宝贵的礼物之一,(time is one of life's most precious gifts)而拆开(这项难以掌握和预料的)礼物本身就已经是一种乐趣了.(unwrapping it is half the fun)


今天我们来说说一个常用句型be fond of … 喜爱

造个句子描述一下我们的喜好,比如:My sister is fond of sweets.我妹妹喜欢吃糖果.

Fond是个形容词,意思是“喜欢的、爱好的”,可如果要表达“我最喜欢打篮球”却不能说My fond sport is basketball.用favorite才是正确的,因为 fond 不可做定语.(切记、切记)

be fond of相当于like,所以要说“我喜欢唱歌”除了说I like singing.之外还可以说I am fond of singing.(其实细究起来,be fond of还是比like的语气强烈一些,有like very much的意思,和另一个表示同类意思的词love相比,语气又弱一些.)

在使用be fond of时,需要注意的一点是,它指惯常的爱好,不指一时的爱好,比如,今晚你特别想去散步,就只能说I would like to take a walk this evening.而不能说I am fond of taking a walk this evening.


Jack and Helen are fond of skating in winter.


My friend James is very fond of playing chess.


我们都知道喜欢是like,不喜欢就是do not like,但be fond of 却不能用be not fond of来表达,而要说not care to do,来看两个例子:

I am fond of going there.


变成否定句,就是I don't care to go there.

He was fond of meeting there people.


变成否定句,就是He did not care to meet these people.

这次的节目就到这里,请大家重点掌握be fond of句型及其否定形式,我们下次再见!



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