matlab loop

首页/题库/374℃/2024-07-07 08:49:33

matlab loop

(a) Define a function handle for the function f(x) = x2.

(b) Define the variable S to equal zero.

(c) Use a three-line for loop to add each of the following to S in the order given:f(10),

f(9),...,f(2),f(1).Don’t display anything.

(d) After the loop use disp to display the final value of S.


f = @(x)x.^2; %(a) function handler defined

S = 0; %(b) assign the initial value 0 to variable S

for i = 10:-11:1 % (c) initiate the loop that i equals 10, 9, ..., 1

S = f(i); % (c) loop body, calling function handler to retrieve value of S corresponds to each i

end % (c) Thrid line of for loop, close loop

disp(S); %(d) display S with function disp() as required.

再问: 打进去了 虽然不对 但是我改了下 解决了 可以再帮我做一个吗

再答: 要做什么?这个我没编译,直接在板子上写的…… 错了点,不好意思啊



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