初中英语句型转换1.There were sbout nine hundred poeple at the concer

首页/题库/165℃/2024-07-07 07:26:34


1.There were sbout nine hundred poeple at the concert.否定句:一般疑问句:对nine hundred提问:2.There was only one porblem.否定句:一般疑问句:对only one提问:3.Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:一般疑问句:对yesterday evening提问:4.My brother was in the park just now.否定句:一般疑问句:对in the park提问:5.She had some bread for lunch today.否定句:一般疑问句:对some bread提问:


1.There were about nine hundred poeple at the concert.

否定句:There were not about nine hundred poeple at the concert.

一般疑问句:Were there about nine hundred poeple at the concert?

对nine hundred提问:How many poeple were there at the concert?

2.There was only one porblem.

否定句:There wasn't only one porblem.

一般疑问句:Was there only one porblem?

对only one提问:How many porblem were there?

3.Ann did her homework yesterday evening.

否定句:Ann didn't do her homework yesterday evening.

一般疑问句:Did Ann do her homework yesterday evening?

对yesterday evening提问:When did Ann do her homework?

4.My brother was in the park just now.

否定句:My brother wasn't in the park just now.

一般疑问句:Was your brother in the park just now?

对in the park提问:Where was your brother just now?

5.She had some bread for lunch today.

否定句:She didn't have some bread for lunch today.

一般疑问句:Did she have some bread for lunch today?

对some bread提问:What did she have for lunch today?



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