求助:Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the bo

首页/题库/304℃/2024-07-03 00:00:15

求助:Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary.

1.pertinent 2.shallow 3.for life 4.all of a sudden 5.run down 6.in good condition 7.in detail 8.tangle 9.in a way 10.a handful of

(1) ______ I would prefer shopping online because it would be more convenient and save time.

(2) If you are aged over 18 and _____, it’s safe to take the medicine.

(3) As far as I’m concerted, when you get married it’s _____.

(4) He got to his feet, leaving _____ coins for the bill, and then went out of the restaurant into the night air.

(5) I think she raised a very important and _____ question at the discussion that should be answered before we move ahead.

(6) I was reading a mystery late last night when _____ there was a huge bang upstairs.

(7) I had quite a time _____ the technical term Telematics.

(8) For the sake of settling the financial problem they are faced with, they decided to call a meeting to discuss it _____.

(9) John always hates those people who, instead of solving a problem, _____ it up and make it harder for anyone to solve.

(10) The stream was quite _____, so we were able to wade across it.


(1) 9.In a way

(2) 6.in good condition

(3) 3.for life

(4) 10.a handful of

(5) 1.pertinent

(6) 4.all of a sudden

(7) 5.running down

(8) 7.in detail

(9) 8.tangling

(10) 2.shallow



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